Toward a More Peaceful Tomorrow

We promote research and education in Peaceful Leadership

The Peaceful Leadership Institute (PLI) is a 501(c)3 non-profit corporation dedicated to:

  1. Promoting and conducting research in the style and theory of peaceful leadership.
  2. Educating organization and community leaders through training, coaching, and certification.
  3. Promoting Peaceful Leadership through conflict interventions and mediation.

We were founded in 2022 by Dr. Jeremy Pollack, a social psychologist and leader in the field of workplace conflict management. After several years of recognizing how critical leadership was to creating peaceful work organizations and communities, Dr. Pollack and colleagues Luke Wiesner, M.S. and Sara Jeckovich, M.A., developed a new theory and style of leadership they called Peaceful Leadership (Get the Book HERE). Through PLI, they aim to educated leaders of all human systems on the importance of a peace-oriented leadership and leadership development training.

Peaceful Leadership is the only leadership model developed by conflict experts specifically to prevent conflict-rich environment and foster peace-oriented cultures. The model applies core concepts of peace and conflict psychology to the fields of organizational psychology and leadership development in a robust merging of multidisciplinary approaches that address the challenges of human systems, such as cooperation, interdependent productivity, and life satisfaction and engagement in groups.

Our Staff

Gigi Gutíerrez, M.S.
Gigi Gutíerrez, M.S.Chief Program Officer - Youth Programming
Vanessa Chapman
Vanessa ChapmanProgram Director - Adult Training & Coaching
Tyler Drogin
Tyler DroginMediation program Manager

Our Board of Directors

Jeremy Pollack, Ph.D.
Jeremy Pollack, Ph.D.Board Chairman
Sara Jeckovich, M.A.
Sara Jeckovich, M.A.Board Member
Luke Wiesner, M.S.
Luke Wiesner, M.S.Board Member

Board of Advisors

Suzanne Ghais, Ph.D.
Suzanne Ghais, Ph.D.
Sherman Green, Ph.D.
Sherman Green, Ph.D.
Toni Hawkins, M.P.H., M.A.
Toni Hawkins, M.P.H., M.A.
Henry Yampolsky, J.D.
Henry Yampolsky, J.D.

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